Friday, April 26, 2013

Don't Be Delusional...

The topic of thirst has been prevalent in this generation of relationships. For those of you who think I am speaking about a physical dehydrated state are sadly mistaken.

The urban term "thirst" according to

A form of lust of or want of members of the opposite sex. This term can refer to both males and females.

In the simplest terms it is EXTREME desperation to receive attention from the opposite sex. Now I know there is much debate as to what exactly is being thirsty vs. being nice or flirting. I have one answer my parched friends DELUSIONS! Say it with me D-E-L-U-S-I-O-N-S... 

We all fall victim to the tricks of the mind, thinking someone may be into us but really aren't. HOWEVER, once you crossover to delusion you'll find yourself doing such thirsty acts you never thought you would do. Sadly, I've seen it before girls in the club hot breathe all in a dudes ear and he's looking at the chick next to her! Or the guy that continues to go above and beyond for a girl that never even makes eye contact with them! Now I'm not the pot calling the kettle black, I've had my share of "what were you thinking" moments (this isn't a personal diary so you won't be hearing those stories) but I don't believe I've ever crossed into the delusional realm. 

My Opinion (Buckle up!)
Women... oh women. Don't lower yourselves to become delusional naive little girls because one boy walked into your world (kinda sounded like a spoken word for a second *Snaps Snaps*). Girls are so quick to call up their girlfriends and tell them all about "THAT guy". Yup... the one they just met at the mall, but they're already calling their boo. Slow your role. Just because you meet a guy and he smiles at you and you both exchange numbers doesn't mean he's head over heels for you and you should NOT be infatuated him either. He could be talking to other women while texting you or he may even have a girlfriend or worse babymama drama. So I will say it again SLOW YOUR ROLE! Your desperation is showing like a ratchet women's tracks... just stop! Act like the strong woman you are and focus on your dreams and aspirations. Walk into a club with your confidence as high as your heels, talk to guys, hand out numbers, DO YOU BOO BOO! But don't linger around or get upset if he talks or dances with other girls, go hang out with other guys! If he likes you he'll contact you... TRUST. As women, we get so caught up in worrying about whether we will ever find a decent man that we lose all sight of reality and self worth! A man likes someone they can chase. The more you latch on to them like a spider monkey, the less attractive you become. So get yourself a gallon of natural spring water and have a seat. 

Men... yes men can suffer from these thirsty delusions as well. They are seduced by the big booty or busty (whichever floats their boat) females, they think are heaven sent, but stay giving ya'll the wrong name and number but you continue to shower them with compliments saying, "Nah, she's just playing hard to get," and you show out and buy them SEVERAL drinks and expect them to text you the next day, when they never so much as asked for your name. CHILL BRUH! She may be a dime, but she's a dime thats not into you. Take one for the team and move on because she's telling her friends how pathetically thirsty you are. I get that men are the pursuers so I understand the persistence they have but making sexual or intimate references after talking to someone for a couple days? THIRST. If a girl turns you down MOVE ON. I can't tell you how many times I turned down a dude (in a very polite manner) and they continued to follow me and hassle me all while telling me they can change my life and their not like these other guys. THIRST. You're doing too much. Take the loss and move on to the next team. There's nothing worse than a dehydrated man on the loose. Grab a Gatorade... and a chair. 

Focus on being great and everything else will fall into place.

Do you think women/men these days are desperate to be in a relationship? 

*Remember the conversation never stops here, it begins. Have a voice, make it count.*


  1. absolutely agree with everything stated. women think that if they are not seen or heard by a man, then they are invisible. little do they know that less is more when it comes to grabbing a man's attention. and if the one that you like does not seem to be showing interest in you, THEN GIVE THAT ATTENTION TO A MAN WHO WANTS IT FROM YOU! just as freely as a woman can say no to any man they want, the same rule applies to our fellas as well. then tricks wanna get mad when the dude doesn't give them attention after about two weeks... well, whose fault is it for throwing themselves at a man for desperation just to have a few days of bein boo'd up through text. he got annoyed, and doesnt want to go bald or begin graying at an early age. YOU'RE STRESSING HIM OUT AND HE HAS A LIFE TO LIVE TOO --- YOUNG, WILD, AND FREE!

  2. Thirst is out there, but another aspect of this is that folks are being called thirsty who aren't even that thirsty. You and I understand that thirsty is the extreme, but some ppl go bad mouthing someone who was giving them some attention, calling them thirsty when all they were doing was flirting! Of course I'm giving you attention. I like you! Doesn't make me thirsty. That word has added an additonal layer of nerves/insecurity when flirting. I'm ready to retire it.

    Anywho, nice post. Keep it up!

